Open Tag
Your CSS Code must begin with this tag:
<style type="text/css">
Selectors refer to a HTML element such as a hyperlink or table. Put the selector name followed by an opening squiggly bracket and then a closing squiggly bracket after the opening style tag.
a { } | All hyperlinks. |
a:link { } | Regular hyperlinks. |
a:visited { } | Visited hyperlinks. |
a:active { } | Active hyperlinks. |
a:hover { } | Cursor over hyperlinks. |
table { } | Text in a table. |
ul { } | Text in a bulleted list. |
ol { } | Text in a numbered list. |
p { } | Text in a paragraph. |
body { } | Entire page. |
img { } | Images. |
hr { } | Horizontal lines. |
form { } | All form elements (lists, boxes, buttons, text areas). |
select { } | Drop down lists. |
input { } | Input boxes and buttons. |
textarea { } | Text areas. |
div { } | Div layers. |
blockquote { } | Blockquotes. |
code { } | Code. |
h1 { } | Heading (also h2, h2, h4, h5, and h6). |
#nst { } | Neopets: Clock. |
center font b { } | Neopets: User Lookup: Username. |
.tl { } | Neopets: Clock, Search, Sidebar Ad, Language, Link To Us |
.tt { } | Neopets: Welcome: Username, Pet, NP. |
.sf { } | Neopets: Show All, Neofriend/Neomail, Copyright, Trades/etc. |
object { } | Neopets: Sidebar Ad. |
.hdr { } | Neopets: Top Banner. |
#ban { } | Neopets: Top Ad. |
IDs and Classes
If you would prefer to only change one specific instance of a HTML element, you would give it an ID.
<p id="redbox">This is the only red box.</p>
To refer to this element, you would use a pound sign ( # ) followed by the id name in the CSS code.
If you would prefer to change more than one HTML element, you would give it a class.
<p class="bluebox">This is the first blue box.</p>
<p id="redbox">This is the only red box.</p>
<p class="bluebox">This is the second blue box.</p>
You can also give different HTML elements the same class.
<div class="bluebox">This div is blue.</div>
<p class="bluebox">This paragraph is also blue.</p>
To refer to these elements, you would use a period (.) followed by the class name in the CSS code.
Add this one of these lines inside the squiggly brackets. There is no limit on how many you can add.
text-decoration: none; | Normal text. |
text-decoration: underline; | Text with an underline. |
text-decoration: overline; | Text with an overline. |
text-decoration: line-through; | Text with a strike through. |
font-weight: normal; | Normal text. |
font-weight: bold; | Bold text. |
font-style: normal; | Normal text. |
font-style: italic; | Italic text. |
color: #FF0000; | Text colour. |
font-size: 8px; | Text size. |
font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'; | Font. |
text-transform: lowercase; | Lowercase text. |
text-transform: uppercase; | Uppercase text. |
text-transform: capitalize; | Capitalized text. |
border-style: solid; | Solid border. |
border-style: dotted; | Dotted border. |
border-style: dashed; | Dashed border. |
border-style: double; | Double border. |
border-style: groove; | Groove border. |
border-style: inset; | Inset border. |
border-style: outset; | Outset border. |
border-style: ridge; | Ridged border. |
border-width: 1px; | Border thickness. |
border-color: #00FF00; | Border color. |
text-align: left; | Left-aligned text. |
text-align: center; | Centered text. |
text-align: center; | Right-aligned text. |
text-align: center; | Justified text. |
letter-spacing: 3px; | Letter spacing. |
line-height: 6px; | Line height. Line height. |
list-style-type: none; |
list-style-type: disc; |
list-style-type: circle; |
list-style-type: square; |
background-color: #0000FF; | Background colour. |
background-image: url('URLHERE'); | Background image. |
background-attachment: fixed; | Background attachment. |
background-attachment: scroll; | Background attachment. |
background-position: center; | Background position. |
background-position: center top; | Background position. |
background-position: center bottom; | Background position. |
background-position: left center; | Background position. |
background-position: left top; | Background position. |
background-position: left bottom; | Background position. |
background-position: right center; | Background position. |
background-position: right top; | Background position. |
background-position: right bottom; | Background position. |
background-repeat: repeat; | Repeating background. |
background-repeat: no-repeat; | Non-repeating background. |
background-repeat: repeat-x; | Horizontally-repeating background. |
background-repeat: repeat-y; | Vertically-repeating background. |
visibility: visible; | Visible. |
visibility: hidden; | Hidden. |
display: inline; | Inline. |
display: block; | Block. |
display: none; | None. |
padding: 2px; | Padding. |
margin: 2px; | Margin. |
position: absolute; | Position from broswer window. |
position: relative; | Position from inside element. |
bottom: 0px; | Position from bottom. |
top: 0px; | Position from top. |
left: 0px; | Position from left. |
right: 0px; | Position from right. |
height: 20px; | Height. |
width: 20px; | Width. |
cursor: pointer; | Cursor. |
cursor: crosshair; | Cursor. |
cursor: n-resize; | Cursor. |
cursor: e-resize; | Cursor. |
cursor: move; | Cursor. |
cursor: text; | Cursor. |
cursor: wait; | Cursor. |
cursor: help; | Cursor. |
cursor: progress; | Cursor. |
cursor: not-allowed; | Cursor. |
cursor: no-drop; | Cursor. |
cursor: vertical-text; | Cursor. |
cursor: all-scroll; | Cursor. |
cursor: col-resize; | Cursor. |
cursor: row-resize; | Cursor. |
filter: alpha(opacity=100, finishopacity=0, style=1); | IE Only: Fade. |
filter: blur(strength=5); | IE Only: Blur. |
filter: dropshadow(color=#FF00FF, offx=1, offy=1); | IE Only: Drop Shadow. |
filter: glow(color=#00FF00, strength=3); | IE Only: Glow. |
scrollbar-base-color: #FF0000; | IE Only: Scroll Bar colour. |
Close Tag
Add this line to tell the computer you are finishing specifying CSS.
Once you've put together several codes, you may find your page looks a little messy. For example, if your codes look like this:
<style type="text/css">
a:link { font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000; }
<style type="text/css">
a:visited { color: #0000FF; }
<style type="text/css">
a:active { color: #00FF00; }
It is very easy to get rid of four lines. Get rid of all the <style> tags except for one at the beginning and one at the end. Allow me to demonstrate:
<style type="text/css">
a:link { font-weight: bold; color: #FF0000; }
a:visited { color: #0000FF; }
a:active { color: #00FF00; }
If you have more than one element with the same specifications, like this:
<style type="text/css">
form { background-color: #FFFF00; }
hr { background-color: #FFFF00; }
You can put the names of the elements together, but they must be separated by a comma, like this:
<style type="text/css">
form, hr { background-color: #FFFF00; }
If you have colours specified in your CSS that follow the patter #AABBCC, where the first two letters are the same, the second two are the same, and the last two are the same, you can shorten it to #ABC. The above code would change to this:
<style type="text/css">
form, hr { background-color: #FF0; }