Error Pages Tutorial

Files Needed

Right click on each of the below files and choose "Save Target As…" to save them to your computer.

Error Page

There are no rules for editing the error page, you can do whatever you want. You can even leave it how it is. But what's the use in making an error page if it's ugly like the one I gave you?

There are a few things you may want to mention on the error page. Here are some suggestions:

When you are done editing this file, upload it to your domain.

Editing htaccess

Change "" to the address of where the 404 page is located. You will need to change to your site domain. If you renamed the 404.html file, you'll also need to change that. If the 404.html file is in a subfolder of your domain, you'll also need to add that. For example, the link to my 404 page is:

Uploading and Renaming htaccess

htaccess.txt will not do anything right now. If you find a broken link in your website, you will still end up with the default error page. The file must be renamed to .htaccess before it can work.

Unfortunately, if you try to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess while it is in your documents, it will give you an error message.

I find that it's best if you upload htaccess.txt to your website first. You probably have some sort of admin section or control panel on your website (I'd assume most people would have a link sent to them when they sign up with a web hosting service). You probably need to log in and then find some sort of file manager. Then, find the htaccess.txt file and click on it. You should get some options to rename the file and that's where you rename it to .htaccess.

Error Page Examples