Background Photoshop Tutorial

Programs Needed


  1. Open Photoshop.
  2. Go to File > New > Blank File. Set both the height and width to 100 pixels.
    Blank image
  3. Select the Gradient Tool Gradient Fill and fill in the image.
  4. Go to the Filter menu and use some effects to make the background cooler.
    Gradient with effects
  5. Go to the Filter > Other > Offset.
  6. Set both the horizontal and vertical values to 20 pixels. Set the undefined area to "wrap around". Click OK.
    Offset background
  7. Go to the Filter > Distort > Liquify.
  8. Set the brush size to 10.
  9. Blur the areas where you can see the edges. You may need to undo and repeat this step a few times until you can get a seamlessly tiling background.
  10. Go to File > Save As and save your image.
  11. Get the code for your background image.

Background Example

Background example