Transparent Images Paint Shop Pro Tutorial

Programs Needed


  1. Open your image in Paint Shop Pro.
    Opaque image
  2. Select the Magic Wand Tool Magic Wand.
  3. Hold down the Shift key and click each part of the image that you want to be transparent.
    Magic wand selected white areas
  4. Select the Flood Fill Tool Flood Fill.
  5. Change the Foreground color to lime green.
  6. Click in one of the selected areas that you want to be transparent to fill it in with green.
  7. Go to Selections > Select None.
    Green image
  8. Go to Image > Palette > Set Palette Transparency (in older versions, go to Colors > Set Palette Transparency).
  9. An "Auto Actions" dialog box may come up on the screen. Click "OK".
    Auto Actions
  10. If you are using PSP8 or PSP9, skip this step. If you are using PSP7, select "Optimized Median Cut" under "Palette", "Nearest color" under "Reduction method", and do not check anything off under "Options". Click the "OK" button.
    Decrease Color Depth
  11. Choose "Set the transparency value to palette entry".
  12. Put your cursor over the lime green area on the image. The cursor should now be an eyedropper. Click the lime green area.
    Set Palette Transparency
  13. On the dialog box, click "OK".
  14. Go to File > Save As.
  15. Select GIF from the drop-down list below the filename and save.

Transparent Image Example

Transparent image